Research & Scholarship for LGBTQ+ Justice and Equality.
QP@P focuses on the study of LGBTQ+ (‘queer’) politics and public policy. It seeks to harness and support a growing body of research which speaks to how the rights of LGBTQ people are established and protected, how transgender and gender non-conforming people flourish, and how gender justice is made manifest in politics and society. QP@P is the first think tank in the world specifically focused on LGBTQ+ politics. We seek to become a focal point of knowledge and advocacy for equality. QP@P has a national and global focus: working with LGBTQ leaders and organizations around the world.
Our searchable map and database includes out LGBTQI+ elected officials office since 1976. We include officials who publicly identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, gender-non-conforming, queer or intersex.
Upcoming Events
Cutting edge scholarship and conversations with leading LGBTQ politicians and advocates
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